Life Members

Life membership is awarded to individuals who have rendered outstanding services to the Club. Nominees are selected by the club chairman and ratified in agreement by members present at the club Annual General Meeting. This section of the website is dedicated to them as an appreciation for their contributions to making Kings events what they are.

The list is not all encompassing due to missing records, but life members include:

Nick Vine - 10+ years of volunteering. Club Chairman.

John King - 15+ years of volunteering. The OG. Club Chairman, Race Director, Western League head.

Alex Lemke

Ruth Lang

Jane Michotte (ne Rawlings)

Lisa Morton

Nick Nebard

Mark Jones

Sophie Dearn

Helen Curtis

Dani Barr - 10+ years of volunteering. Club Secretary.

Tom Scoobs - 10+ years of volunteering. Race Director.

Oliver Berry - 10+ years of volunteering. Club Chairman, Race Director.

Fran Barr - 10+ years of volunteering. Club Secretary, Treasurer.

Andrew Barnes - 10+ years of volunteering. Beloved by westerners. Social Secretary, Northern League Head, Western League Head.

James Heaton - 10+ years of volunteering. Club Secretary, Northern League Head, Sponsorship Secretary.