KINGS Affiliation Information
2024 - 25 Season
KINGS Ski Club is a non-profit organisation and as such we need to cover the costs of slope hire, prizes, equipment & insurance. Part of these costs are covered by sponsorship, but all others funds are raised from affiliation/race fees. We are careful each season to make sure that we generate just enough revenue and these are always subject to scrutiny at the end of each season.
We ask that club Treasurers work closely with the KINGS Treasurer (treasurer@kingsski.club). This will help to ensure that invoices issued to clubs are resolved by the due date, especially if there are any discrepancies or questions your club might have.
Changes for the 2024/25 Season
Race rules have been updated to include reviewing footage of races, individual snowboard races & other clarifications.
Kings is introducing 2x Scottish events into the calendar
One either side of the New Year
Midlands has a new & improved league head to run the show this year!
Pricing for Kings 2024/25
As we’re dipping our toes in the cold cold Scottish waters, for this year there will be a different price for the regional events held in Scotland / England. Affiliation fees won’t be charged to Scottish univerisities for this year as there will only be 2 events but different race fees will be charged.
Affiliation Fees - One off fee for the year (England)
Affiliation is worked out on the total number of teams entered per club. The more teams that are entered, the more discount will be given. The total team number is made up of each discipline; Mixed, Ladies, Boarder. For example, two mixed teams, one ladies team and one board team will equal four teams. These fees will be added onto the invoice for Round 1. If you decide to affiliate more teams halfway through the year the additional affiliation fees will be added on to the invoice after the first round they attend.
1 Team - £160
2 Teams - £215
3 Teams - £270
4 Teams - £325
5 Teams - £380
6+ Teams - £435
Race Fees - Paid for each regional event (England)
Race fees are priced per team and per discipline. This is the cost of entering your teams into each round. Invoices for these fees are sent out after each round. These are:
Mixed :£65 per team
Ladies £25 per team
Snowboard : £45 per team (£15 per individual if we run individual races)
Races Fees - Paid for each regional event (Scotland)
Please note: Scottish clubs won’t need to pay the ‘affiliation fees’ for this year. Race fees are priced per team and per discipline. This is the cost of entering your teams into each round. Invoices for these fees are sent out after each round. These are:
Mixed: £65 per team
Ladies: £25 per team
Snowboard : £45 per team (£15 per individual if we run individual races)
Payments - How & Where
The Club Treasurer will issue an invoice to your club and you'll have 30 days in which to settle the amount. If you need to arrange an extended time scale then please email the Treasurer at treasurer@kingsski.club and they'll be able to arrange this with you.
Most University clubs will require the Student/Athletic Union to pay the KINGS invoice from their account, it is still the affiliated club's Captain & Treasurer to ensure payment is made in time. While we don't want to exclude any team from racing when they arrive at a slope, we reserve the right to do so, particularly if bills remain unpaid.
Late Fees & Incorrect Payments
Any payments that are not met within the 30 days invoicing period will be subject to a late fee. This late fee is intended mainly so we as volunteers don’t have to spend our days chasing your treasurers for payments. The easy thing to do is make sure any treasurer confirms when that payment will be sent and if after the 30 days then get in contact with our treasurer via treasurer@kingsski.club prior to the 30 days deadline to let us know when payment will come.
The late fee will be set at 0.5% of the total invoice amount, increasing by 0.1% every week the invoice remains outstanding. For example:
Payments that are made to incorrect bank details will be subject to a £15 fee.
First Aid at events
All of our regional round events have first aiders provided by the slope, similar to other small-ish ski competitions & similar to any race training sessions clubs will put on and the ski slope in general. Any additional first aid provided by Kings is done so if we’re lucky enough to have trained medical staff who are also helping out as volunteers.
The exception to this is our finals event where we will have additional first aid staff on site to deal with the increased number of students.
Every club is expected to have a representative present who is capable of looking after their own members if required.
Equipment for races
At all events equipment rental is included included in your race fees. This will include skis, snowboards, boots & poles. Helmets will also be included if the slope has a stock of helmets to rent out.
Long sleeve t-shirts, trousers (not jeans) & gloves must be worn while competing - skin must be covered basically.
Kings strongly advises all regular competitors to have their own helmets and/or for clubs to maintain their own stock of helmets for their members to use.
We also advise clubs to maintain a selection of club race skis as dry slope rental equipment is almost exclusively in poor condition for racing events. Even older 2nd hand equipment will perform better, increase your teams competitiveness & decrease the likelihood of crashes.
Damaged Equipment or Property
Kings is all about creating a fun, positive and safe environment for people to enjoy the sport they love. This fun, positive and safe attitude also extends to the venues that allow us to run our events at their places of business, part of which is ensuring we respect not only the members of staff but the physical property too.
If property at a slope is damaged, vandalised or even stolen, Kings will incur these costs. Kings is a non-profit organisation and we do not have the funds to pay large fines incurred as a result of poor and inappropriate behaviour from clubs. If we receive fines due to any of these reasons then we have no choice but to pass these on to the responsible parties.
Aside from incurring costs, we also want to make sure we can keep running Kings events. This means maintaining our strong relationships with slopes so that we are allowed to return. We at Kings ask all clubs to please be respectful of slope staff and their property.
Code of Conduct and Race Rules
Code of Conduct
Race Rules
Explanation for how we set up races for a regional round. Not compulsory listening, only for captains interested in understanding the order behind the chaos.