Kings R4 - all leagues
Southern - Southampton Ski Slope
Midlands - Ackers Ski Slope
Western - Plymouth Ski Slope
Northern - Rossendale Ski Slope
Exact timing may change - this will be communicated by League Heads in captains group chats
Kings R3 - Southern / Midlands
Southern - tbc
Midlands - Swadlincote Ski Slope
Exact timing may change - this will be communicated by League Heads in captains group chats
Kings R3 - Northern / Western
Western - Gloucester Ski Slope
Northern - Silksworth Ski Slope
Exact timing may change - this will be communicated by League Heads in captains group chats
Kings R2 - Western / Midlands
Western - Pembrey Ski Slope
Midlands - Ackers Ski Slope
Exact timing may change - this will be communicated by League Heads in captains group chats
Kings R2 - Southern / Northern
Southern - Southampton Ski Slope
Northern - Rossendale Ski Slope
Exact timing may change - this will be communicated by League Heads in captains group chats
Kings R1 - Southern / Midlands
Southern - tbc
Midlands - Swadlincote Ski Slope
Exact timing may change - this will be communicated by League Heads in captains group chats

Kings X SASC - Part 1
Brand new for the year 2024/25 we introduce to you an official KINGS SCOTTISH LEAGUE!
Where - Bellahouston Glasgow Ski & Snowboard Club
£65 per mixed team (5 skiers, inc min 1 male 1 female)
£25 per ladies team (4 skier ladies)
£45 per board team (3 boarders, any gender)
Kings R1 - Northern / Western
Northern - Silksworth Ski Slope
Western - Gloucester Ski Slope
Exact timing may change - this will be communicated by League Heads in captains group chats
Kings Finals
Kings Finals 2023
It’s the big one. The dream of any snowsport student athlete. The final event of the year on the Kings Ski Club calendar.
Universities from all 4 leagues who have been battling all year to qualify for this one will descend on Gloucester for a full day of classic Kings dryslope racing.
This year we’ll be heading back to the might Gloucester Ski Slope. Teams who’ve qualified will compete in team duals until one is crowned the very best Mixed/Ladies/Board team in England. Competitors will also get the chance to run timed individual runs to see who stands above the rest. Don’t miss entering into the traditional Kings boat race either!
Once racing wraps up (6-7pm) there’ll be a party put on at the slope to go on until 11pm. Ticket prices & other details to follow soon enough, there’ll be one ticket this year that covers everything.
Not convinced? check out what went down last year
Kings Round 4 - everyone else
(specific times can vary for each region)
Kings Round 4 is the final regional round of the year so make sure you come along and get your trophies. Locations for all not northern people are:
Midlands - Swadlincote
Western - Pembrey
Southern - Southampton
Fancy dress theme - Charity Shop Challenge
Kings Round 4 - Northern
(specific times can vary for each region)
Kings Round 4 is also happening a week earlier than the rest. This is the last regional round for the year so don’t miss it! League trophies/prizes will be handed out here.
Taking place @ Silksworth
Fancy dress theme - Charity shop challenge

Kings Round 3 - everyone but Northern
(specific times can vary for each region)
Kings Round 3 for everyone else, Locations are:
Midlands - Ackers
Western - Gloucester
Southern - Brentwood
Fancy dress theme - Your favourite meme

Kings Round 3 (northern)
(specific times can vary for each region)
Kings Round 3 Northern is happening 1 week earlier than the other Round 3’s. Locations is Swadlincote.
Fancy dress theme - Your favourite Meme

Kings Round 2
(specific times can vary for each region)
Kings Round 2 is happening in the middle of the world cup, but not during the ever important england games. Locations are:
Northern - Silksworth
Midlands - Swadlincote
Western - Cardiff
Southern - Southampton
Fancy dress theme - Tight and Bright

Kings Round 1
Kings round 1 is back this year on the 29th October. Event locations are as follows:
Northern - Rossendale
Midlands - Swadlincote
Western - Gloucester
Southern - Brentwood
Fancy dress theme - Halloween

AJAM 2022
AJAM returns for another year, this time partnering with Kings Ski Club to bring you racing on top of the freestyle, DJs and aprés!